
Welcome to the Blackhawk Property Owners Association’s web site. It is intended for the use of property owners, but is open to all.  It helps property owners communicate with each other and allows each of us to share our stories, comments, the beauty and grandeur of this amazing landscape and the future we are building in this northern Arizona treasure known as Ruger Ranch.

Contribute to the website. Send your comments, suggestions, corrections and photos to the site’s webmaster. Tell us what you want on the website.

Gate Update

(April 15, 2024)

The new gate actuators have been installed and are working well. Some of the remotes need to be re-synced to the new units. When using your remote, be patient. Press and hold the remote for 3 seconds ONCE. There is a short delay before the gate will begin to open. Access is available with the key pad. If your remote does not work, contact Road Committee to arrange a time to have it re-synced. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.

(Updated June 12, 2024)

Planning on visiting your property soon? Do you have your property listed for sale? If so, contact the Road Committee with your PAYHOA account, Road Maintenance Request, to have them inspect access to your lot for you or your visitors. Please try to allow at two weeks for any work to be completed if required.

The Road Committee is very much aware the roads have become quite washboard. The degree of washboard is a function of the traffic on the roads. With the increased activity in building, the roads are suffering. Currently there is little that can be done until the monsoon rains arrive. Not only is the road surface to dry to grade with any constructive results, the risk of sparking a fire is too great. Slow down and enjoy the view. You will be amazed how much wildlife you will see.